Sunday, July 09, 2006

Critical Question Two: Connecting with Lost

How do we approach a city?

How do we not just look for individual conversions but group conversions? (not just see one but 200 ---see blog down below on organic church stuff)
Where do we start?

How do we connect them with one another (if web-based methods are used at all) and/or an appropriate local body?

Keep in mind: Keep Christ His Life, Resurection, the teachings of the Kingdom central...dont use cheap ploys on political issues or evolution,homosexuality, etc to draw a crowd...these can be distracting....or at least not where I feel that I want to invest my time being a catalyst for debate.

Keep it simple.

Critical Question One:Leadership

Who would I/we report to?

What would leadership look like? CD/ACD or more of "team leading" with people serving in their giftings?

Does the team have to be localized..or could it be national or global? How would that work and to what extent and for what purposes?

If not CD/ACD then how would that work within the overall system?

Would there be a method of evaluation within roles? What?

Next Steps/ Vision central

Next Steps:

What are the critical unknowns of starting a PO-MO ministry within Crusade?

What are simple, short term plans?

What are predictions within those plans?
(Forecasts should be tested with outcomes to evaluate and learn from: remeber the goal isnt necesarily to get it all right the first time...but to learn)

What are possible pitfalls?

Central to Vision (thus far) "Turn lost students into Christ centered laborers", "Take the initative to share the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit..."

-Make disciples of Christ (whether non-believers or believers in joint community). Encourage
a decision of surrender as expressed through baptism through a local body church.

+Kingdom of God here and to come is central...the Cross is in context

+Become disciples not only through orthodoxy(right belief/opinion) but also through
orthopraxy (right practice)

+Creating a culture which learns/teaches through questions, dialougue, "seeing" thinking,
creating,expressing, serving, in community. Culture will know Jesus in relational context as
they learn the stories and teachings of Christ (see blogs below)...and by seeking to follow His
ways.)service, blessing enemies, etc)

What else?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Spiritual Dialogue through art

Here are the results of an image initiave that we did using images to begin spiritual dialogues with college students:

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Cross in Context

In the Bible, in the book of John, Nicodemas a religous leader of his day, asks Jesus how he can enter the Kingdom of God, the paradigm of life the Jesus descibes throughout His ministry. Jesus replys that one must be born water and the Spirit. In 3:15 He says that everyone who has faith in the Son of Man will have eternal life.

Bill Bright illustrates transformational faith in this way:

Suppose you meet a certain young man or woman about whom you have heard many fine compliments. You like what you see - looks, personality and many other qualities. Would this be enough on which to launch a marriage?
No. There is more to marriage than mutual respect and admiration.
As you become better acquainted, you soon fall in love. Is this sufficient for marriage?
No. There is more to marriage than the intellect and the emotions.
Then you become engaged, and the wedding day arrives. How exciting! Intellectually you believe he or she is the most wonderful person in the whole world. Emotionally, your heart beats twice as fast when you are together.
But now something even more important is about to take place. As you stand before the minister or priest to exchange your vows, you commit your wills one to the other. The marriage is not a true marriage if there is no mutual giving of one to the other.

So it is when you become a Christian. When you commit yourself to Christ, you must give yourself wholly to Him in a commitment of your intellect, emotions and will.

You may know who Jesus is, even like Him or love Him but until you surrender yourself to His authority and humble yourself under His love and grace, you will not be able to see God's Kingdom.

Why do I mention this here? Too often, in evangelism we limit the gospel to personal salvation from sin...Jesus dying on the Cross for our personal salvation. Jesus' message was a visionary wasnt simply to give us a ticket out of assure us that we are a "10" on a scale of 1-10 of how sure we are we would get into heaven....but He came so that we could enter into the Kingdom of experience abundant life under the reign of Christ in out hearts & lives now and forever. We must begin to give people the context for this salvation. The context is the Kingdom. The Cross is a beautiful bridge of God's grace and mercy, of justice is the rock that abundant life flows from. You will notice in many of our current evangelical worship songs that the focus is on the thankful we are for the forgiveness of much we loveHim for that...which is great...but Jesus gave us a promise of a life built on the cross. The life is the vision. The Kingdom Vision makes us want Jesus. It is new life because of death. It is not merely a stopping place for sin. Let us live in that, and give people the cross in context of the Kingdom life.

I am so greatful that Dr. Bright did not cheapen salvation to simply praying a prayer and getting your ticket out of hell...from this Tranferrable Concept #1, he explains that salvation includes our intellect, emotions, and will. We must kneal at the throne of the King once and forever, and enter into new life, life in His Kingdom.

What is a Movement?

In the Fall of 05, some of my regional leadership defined a "movemen" within Campus Crusade as this:

1. Connection with the Lost
2. Life Changing Discipleship


3. Multiplying Leaders
4. Generation of Resources


Who is the post modern person?

Maybe you have seen the commercial of the mac guy and the pc guy...

I think this is a great potrait of the emergence of the postmodern where creativity and globalization is valued as highly (and more at times) than the business model era scientific nature of modernity.