Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Team Roles

As I think of a team for The Fireseed Anthology Project...I like thinking of each person working out of his/her giftings...and that defining (somewhat) their role on the team. staff and students consider joining the team...they would consider different roles that they would serve. I think perhaps this is Biblical and would lead to a greater effectiveness.

Possible Roles?

Monday, January 22, 2007


"Go to the people,
Live with them,
Learn from them,
Love them.

Start with what they know,
Build with what they have,
But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task
The people will say,

We have done it ourselves." - Lao Tsu

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Project

I have recently been toying with the idea of calling our STINT, The Fireseed Anthology Project.

This stirs in me possibilities of specific goals or "missional" projects that perhaps could be tried during the two year trial period.

Much like the One Campaign, could you meet specific needs as a team and community, inviting others do do so while exploring Christ and his claims together.

I can imgaine a website The Fireseed Anthology Project documenting the stories of those involved and the progess of the campaign.

I think the first act would be "decoding". Going out into the community, surveying unmet needs and desires.

Any thoughts?


At the first service of my church, the pastor, Gideon gave an analogy about how if Fed Ex wanted to be the best shipping and packaging company in the world it would be ridulous for them to think they were achieving that by building bigger and bigger warehouses for packages. In the same way, the purpose of the chuch is the similar,to be sending us out...He proposed that his vision for his church would be that it would challenge the church to be the church outside of the church.

Today, I read this, " God is a sending God, with a desire to see humankind and creation reconciled, redeemed and healed. The missional church then, is a sent church. It is a going church, a movement of God through his people, sent to bring healing into a broken world." - pg. 18 The Shaping of Things to Come by Michael Fronst and Alan Hirsch

It is my hope that the Fireseed Anthology Project would be a vehicle of sending.