Thursday, August 24, 2006

Part 1


Know and communicate who Christ is (Biblically) and what his teachings are.

Intentionally introduce others to Christ and His teachings.

Fireseed Anthology would seek to facilitate the exploration of individuals knowledge/experience of Christ and His Lordship as well as lead them through personally expressing their knowledge/experience of Christ and His Lordship, to each’s own degree…not assuming that all are in the same place.

We would encourage those to intentionally share about their relationship with Christ with those closest to them, as you would in a marriage situation. As people share with their natural networks, Christ becomes even more real as He impacts their personal lives and their personal networks. His impact becomes more organic.

We would encourage personal, creative expression depending on each one’s culture, gifting, personality, etc.

We would teach people to see:

As an artist, I can teach you to be an artist in two ways. First, I can teach you a formula of how to draw a tree. Then, I can teach you a formula of how to draw a house...the sun, a person, a cloud, etc. The unfortunate part of this is that you will only know how to draw these items in the way that I have taught you.

Secondly, I can teach you how to to draw, in general. If I teach you how to look at the to think about positive and negative spaces, lines, etc. Equipped to “see” you are able, even without talent, to take what is in front of you and create something that resembles what your eye sees on paper. You are able to express it.

It is the old idea, “Give a man a fish...he eats for a day”...”Teach a man to fish...he eats for a lifetime”. Teach a man a model of how to share the gospel…he can share the gospel when he is in the context of how he has learned to use the model. Teach a man to know and think about the gospel, he can express it in any context.

We must not spin our wheels thinking of the next “post-modern” model of a sharing the gospel track. We must take a step back and teach our staff and students to “see” the gospel, to think about it, to know it in such a way that no matter what situation they are in they can respond authentically. That is transferable.


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