At the first service of my church, the pastor, Gideon gave an analogy about how if Fed Ex wanted to be the best shipping and packaging company in the world it would be ridulous for them to think they were achieving that by building bigger and bigger warehouses for packages. In the same way, the purpose of the chuch is the similar,to be sending us out...He proposed that his vision for his church would be that it would challenge the church to be the church outside of the church.
Today, I read this, " God is a sending God, with a desire to see humankind and creation reconciled, redeemed and healed. The missional church then, is a sent church. It is a going church, a movement of God through his people, sent to bring healing into a broken world." - pg. 18 The Shaping of Things to Come by Michael Fronst and Alan Hirsch
It is my hope that the Fireseed Anthology Project would be a vehicle of sending.