Experiments with Jesus' Teachings
Experiments with the Gospel/Parables- one of the main focuses of the Anthology Project would be experimenting with Jesus' teaching and parables to live out, obey, follow these things in our lives today. They would be based on specific stories of Jesus and adapted to challenge us in our living today by the same truths He spoke of then. The team would be studying the teachings of Christ and would discuss ways to experiment together. We will invite students to join with us in the experiments as we interact with them on campus and in the city.
These experiments would take on different expressions and forms. This might include city wide events, public art pieces, service projects and outreach to those in need, film....etc.
For Example:
-giving away all you have and giving it to the poor - as the team comes across this teaching/event within the gospels they will wrestle with it. They will documented as they decide what they will do. Will I sell my grandmothers furniture...The team would really experiment truly with doing this. Selling everything and giving it to the poor. If someone held things back..filming the process, why, the results. We would invite students on campus do to the same...on a large or small scale. Perhaps we would have a city wide/school wide garage sale and give them money earned to the poor in the city.
-loving enemies/forgiveness
-praying all night (like Jesus did before His crucifixion...when the disciples fell asleep). we would walk through these stories and experiment with them in our own lives as a team inviting students in the city to join us in these different experiments.
Jesus' crucifixion around Easter. Creating a public art piece where you build a very large wall with wood representing Christ (abstractly) and then have balloons filled with red paint that you would offer to people to throw at the wall. There would be a strange sensation as you throw these balloons knowing that it is like you are throwing them at Christ. The team would share the story of Christ and the Cross...and explain the role of sin ,etc...and the betrayal that each of us has with Christ...etc. Letting people experience this in a public setting.
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These experiments would take on different expressions and forms. This might include city wide events, public art pieces, service projects and outreach to those in need, film....etc.
For Example:
-giving away all you have and giving it to the poor - as the team comes across this teaching/event within the gospels they will wrestle with it. They will documented as they decide what they will do. Will I sell my grandmothers furniture...The team would really experiment truly with doing this. Selling everything and giving it to the poor. If someone held things back..filming the process, why, the results. We would invite students on campus do to the same...on a large or small scale. Perhaps we would have a city wide/school wide garage sale and give them money earned to the poor in the city.
-loving enemies/forgiveness
-praying all night (like Jesus did before His crucifixion...when the disciples fell asleep). we would walk through these stories and experiment with them in our own lives as a team inviting students in the city to join us in these different experiments.
Jesus' crucifixion around Easter. Creating a public art piece where you build a very large wall with wood representing Christ (abstractly) and then have balloons filled with red paint that you would offer to people to throw at the wall. There would be a strange sensation as you throw these balloons knowing that it is like you are throwing them at Christ. The team would share the story of Christ and the Cross...and explain the role of sin ,etc...and the betrayal that each of us has with Christ...etc. Letting people experience this in a public setting.
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